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IntelliBuddies® 2019 was called as AIdynamiks and was the first version of the IntelliBuddies® RPA Platform. The first version of the platform included the following components:

  • Process Designer: Tool to design and digitize your processes
  • Control Room: Web Application to control and administer your automation
  • Assistant Buddy: Your personal assistant bot that could execute your assisted automation on your desktops
  • Smart Buddy: Organizations unassisted bots that could run end-to-end automation

IntelliBuddies® Process Designer is a tool to digitize your existing processes. It is a visual development environment where you can create or define a task for our Buddies. It comes with a rich set of activity library to build your workflows. It provides an intuitive drag and drop interface to define the workflow if someone with minimal coding knowledge can easily start automating the processes by connecting individual activities to build a sequence.

You can add local users as part of the IntelliBuddies® Control Room and provide access to them based on pre-defined roles. You can also create custom roles and assign them to the users. You can assign apps to the users and manage the licenses to those apps from the Control Room.

Process Designer comes with a workflow canvas where you can easily drag and drop the activities from the activities panel into the workflow canvas to build your sequence or flow of activities. Further, you can easily configure the activities from the Properties panel available as part of Process Designer. The Properties panel supports the VB.Net expression editor for your ease of writing expressions using defined variables.

  • Primitive Activities: These activities provide basic entities to build your processes. Some examples of these activities are Assign activity used to assign a value to the variable and Delay activity to make your process sleep for the specified time interval
  • Control Flow Activities: These activities enable you to define rules and automate conditional statements within the process. Some of the examples of control flow activities are: If/Else conditional activities For Each loop activities
  • Error Handling Activities: These activities enable you to handle errors occurring as part of your process flow. You can catch any exception that might trigger due to any of the activities, and you can either handle the exception and rethrow it to be handled at an upper level
  • Error Handling Activities: These activities enable you to handle errors occurring as part of your process flow. You can catch any exception that might trigger due to any of the activities, and you can either handle the exception and rethrow it to be handled at an upper level
  • Collection Activities: You can build your collections of variables and retrieve them as part of your process
  • CSV Activities: You can open, read, and write into an existing CSV file
  • Email Activities: Read mails from SMTP, IMAP, and POP3 mail servers. Send mail through SMTP mail servers.
  • Excel Activities: You can open, read, and write into an existing spreadsheet file
  • PDF Activities: You can read the text, export, pages as images, merge multiple PDF files
  • OCR Activities: You can extract text from an image or PDF file
  • Regex Activities: You can process text using Regular Expression Patterns
  • Files Activities: You can work with files. Create, Open, Read, Write into text files
  • Folder Activities: You can work with folders. Create and delete folders.
  • Script Activities: You can run Python and VB Scripts
  • Database Activities: You can connect and execute queries on all databases which support ODBC
  • Web Automation Activities: You can open the chrome web browser, navigate to URL, scrape data, fill form fields, click on buttons and close the browser

Client tools licensing could be managed in Control Room and you can move the licenses from one user to another based on your need and demand.

Smart Buddies audit logs are stored as part of the Control Room and there-by enabling auditing of all Smart Buddies from one central place.

You can trigger a process by associating it to a specified folder in Assistant Buddy. Supports triggers based on generic or specific file events inside the monitored folder.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 comes with two editions:

  • Enterprise Edition:

    Supports Enterprise deployment and management of Automations. This is bundled with Control Room, Process Designer, Smart Buddy, Assistant Buddy, IntelliTrainer.
  • Professional Edition:

    Miniature version of IntelliBuddies® to support automation restricted to one desktop or workstation. This is bundled with Process Designer and Assistant Buddy.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 now supports Windows Authentication as part of its product suite and this will simplify your deployment and management.

  • This will enhance the integration of your Active Directory users and groups to manage your automation and provide access to your buddy users.
  • This will also enable single sign-on for all your automation users.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 now supports item-level permissions for Processes providing both flexibilities allowing to share the processes with other users and at the same time ensuring security is taken care of restricting process access to only a specific group of users.

Enterprise Variables represent shared variables or credentials used in different automation processes. They allow you to store specific information so that the Buddies can easily access it.

All credentials are stored and encrypted with the Triple-DES algorithm with an extra level of security. They can be invoked by RPA developers while designing a process, but the values hidden from them.

Smart Station is a physical or a virtual workstation where our Smart Buddy performs or executes the assigned tasks or jobs. You can register one or more Smart stations in Control Room and assign them to your Smart Buddies by providing the credentials for your Smart Buddies to login into the assigned workstation and perform its tasks. This will enable better infrastructure management capabilities.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 now supports human-in-loop processes. Your buddies can now create tasks for humans as part of the process and communicate information and data to humans through forms.

  • Provides full-fledge forms designer inside Control Room for custom forms designing to share information and data between buddies and humans.
  • Supports Persistence Activities to allow buddies to perform other tasks by suspending the current process while waiting for human action.
  • Supports you to configure human action completion trigger which allows your buddies to resume the process.

IntelliBuddies® Enterprise 2020 supports load sharing feature for Buddies. Control Room will now assign tasks to buddies based on their current load.

IntelliBuddies® Enterprise 2020 provides better automation administration. You can now configure your SMTP, Active Directory, Regional and Local Settings from Control Room.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 Expression Editor now support C# expressions along with VB. It comes with built-in IntelliSense feature to enable faster process development. Expressions can be written on multiple lines. Keyboard Shortcuts to create variables directly in expressions are provided.

Process Designer now supports custom code or assembly extensions. You can add your custom assembly as references to your process and use all the functionality provided as part of your custom extension.

Process Designer now supports Sequence Snippets by which you can modularize your processes to manage them more easily. You can define your Sequence Snippets to be re-used across processes.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 comes with enhanced process and buddy auditing capabilities. We have introduced the following log levels:

Critical > Error > Warning > Information > Trace > Verbose

Buddies now log the information at different levels which could help search based on certain criteria and thus improving auditing capabilities. Further, custom logging activities have been introduced to support users or process specific logging.

Now you can configure your Assistant Buddies in Enterprise edition to log into Control Room and thus enabling auditing of both Smart and Assistant Buddies at one central place.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 comes with an improvised version of User Interface for both Server (Control Room) and Client Tools (Process Designer, Buddies). These will help both RPA developers and end-users in terms of ease of use of the platform.

  • Web Automation Activities: Enhanced to support hassle-free web element selection through UI to make it more business user-friendly.
  • Support desktop automation activities enabled you to open any desktop application and perform:
    • Perform mouse movement and click activity on the selected application UI element.
    • Send keys (keyboard) to the selected application UI element.
  • FTP activities: Buddies can now login to FTP, upload and download files.
  • Compression Activities: Buddies can now zip and unzip files and folders
  • Activities to automate your existing legacy console windows applications. You can open the existing console application, fetch console data, and provide inputs to the console.
  • OCR Activities: IntelliBuddies® comes with built-in open-source Tesseract OCR Engine. Supports extraction of text from images and PDF files.
  • PDF Activities: Supports opening, reading, and extracting data from PDF files.
  • Document Processing Activities: Activities to classify and extract data from your document using NLP based Machine Learning algorithms.
  • Text Processing Activities: Regular Expression activities to process the text and extract useful information.
  • Workflow Activities: You can now invoke another process or invoke a sub-process from the current process by passing and receiving arguments
  • AI Infusion: Activities to create new AI prediction models and to invoke your pre-existing AI prediction models.
  • Dialog Activities: You can now design and popup input dialog form as part of your process.
  • Data Table Activities: You can now import, process, transform and export data from spreadsheets and other data sources
  • JSON Activities: Supports serialization and de-serialization of custom objects into JSON.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 supports both connected and disconnected licensing where in you can activate your enterprise licenses over the internet or through a license file downloaded from our Account Manager.

IntelliBuddies® 2020 provides you with our new component, IntelliTrainer, like an alpha version. It is provided free of cost. You can now train your buddies to classify and extract data from various documents. This version of IntelliTrainer utilizes an open-source Tesseract OCR engine. It comes with easy-to-use UI through which any business user can create a template-based document classification and data extraction. The trained data can then be directly fed into Buddy through activity so that the buddy can use this training to classify and extract data from dynamic documents that it would be processing.