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Quality improvement of medical records through Auditing Medical Records

by: Bethany Nock   2016-08-02   Source: Gebauer Company

Quality Improvement by N/A is licensed under unsplash Unsplash

Auditing medical records can be a time-consuming process, but the benefits far outweigh the inconvenience. In the simplest terms, a medical records audit is a chart review which is used to identify what is being done correctly and what is in need of improvement. Depending on the objective, medical record audits can be performed either by an external agency or by staff within an organization.

RPA can assist to ensure greater quality and compliance of data by removing the possibility of human error, therefore giving greater security to data and information. The key is to work in partnership with customers to examine which of their business processes can and should automate; which tasks if automated shall dramatically increase productivity, or free up staff for more important jobs. By adopting RPA, the business organizations can increase their productivity, better turn-around time & quality, with low investments.

Below is an eight-step guide on auditing medical records which nurses can use to ensure their facility is providing the best patient experience.

Step 1: Choose the Focus of Your Audit

In general, the purpose of your audit should be to identify the clinical practices that are inconsistent or in need of improvement. The audit objective should have the following characteristics:

  • Specific
  • Measurable based on the data available in the records
  • Important to the efficacy of your hospital and the care of your patients

It’s also a good idea to choose a topic in which you are personally interested. You’ll likely be able to recognize subtleties in the data which might otherwise have gone unnoticed.

Step 2: Define Measurement Criteri

After you’ve identified the focus of your medical records audit, determine the specific measurement criteria for the review. Then, conclude which factors will decide whether or not these criteria are met.

Performing a literature review can help expedite the process, since using methods already proven to be successful eliminates the need to develop your own standards for measurement. Literature reviews can also provide benchmarks for comparison.

Benefits of IntelliBuddies®

IntelliBuddies® is an AI infused Robotic Automation platform which helps your personnel to perform all repetitive mundane tasks. The Buddies (Software assistant) can process huge volumes of work at high speed. Auditing of medical records process requires extreme attention from the healthcare personnel, they spend hours together to do the repetitive tasks which could lead human error decreasing the operations efficiency.

Buddies mimic most of the activities what humans do, like—receiving and sending emails, working with the files and folders, work on database, login to the applications that involves data entry or verification, autofill the forms by performing data entry, take appropriate actions based on the rules set or the contextual condition, doing complex calculations, send for approval process, informing the personnel about the completion of the processes and so on.

Source: Gebauer Company